Diseases & Vaccines

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A Vaccine

American Liver Foundation – information for patients and families about hepatitis A and hepatitis A vaccine (exit site)

California Hepatitis Resource Center - information on hepatitis A disease, its prevention and resources for people infected with the hepatitis A virus (exit site)

CDC National Center for Infectious Diseases - general disease facts, disease rates (exit site)

CDC National Immunization Program - overview of hepatitis A disease and its prevention through immunization (exit site)

Hepatitis Foundation International - information on hepatitis A disease, its prevention and resources for people infected with the hepatitis A virus (exit site)

National Network for Immunization Information - overview of hepatitis A disease and its prevention through immunization
(exit site)

True Life Accounts of Hepatitis A:

Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) - federal advisory committee to CDC that develops recommendations for the use of hepatitis A vaccine (exit site)

American Social Health Association - information about hepatitis A and the hepatitis A vaccine (exit site)

Food and Drug Administration - hepatitis A vaccine information from the agency that is responsible for the safety of foods, drugs and vaccines used in the US (exit site)

Hepatitis A vaccine dosage and schedule - resource for health care providers that summarizes the vaccination schedule and dosage for each licensed vaccine (exit site)

Hepatitis Neighborhood - consumer information about hepatitis A and the hepatitis A vaccine - registration required (exit site)

NPI Reference Guide on Vaccines and Vaccine Safety - information about the safety and efficacy of the hepatitis A vaccine

Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia - information for parents about preventing hepatitis A disease through immunization (exit site)

Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) - CDC-prepared fact sheet about the hepatitis A vaccine that is given to all recipients (or their parents or guardians) of this vaccine prior to immunization (exit site)

Vaccine Manufacturers:

    GlaxoSmithKline - consumer information about hepatitis A vaccine (exit site)
    GlaxoSmithKline - information for health care professionals about hepatitis A and hepatitis A vaccine (exit site)
    GlaxoSmithKline - information for health care providers about hepatitis A vaccine - registration required (exit site)
    Merck - gateway to information for health care providers about all Merck-produced vaccines - registration required (exit site)